SF Community Calendar Listenansicht

Diese Terminliste wird automatisch generiert aus dem SF Community Calendar Feed. Alle Einträge werden von vielen Freiwilligen beigesteuert – und wem ein Event wichtig ist, ist zum Beisteuern herzlich eingeladen!

Dieselben Termine in Tabellenform gibt es hier.

Dezember 2021

Januar 2022

März 2022

Di 15.🌐 Research.meeting: Ergebnisse für die Praxis aus JSFP

"Beim dritten gemeinsamen Austrian SolutionCircle und nla-Schweiz Research.meeting nehmen wir die vergangenen Nummern des Journal of Solution Focused Practices hervor und

_stöbern durch die Artikel

_lassen verschiedene Befunde auf Deutsch für uns zusammenfassen

_besprechen Inspirationen daraus für unsere Praxis."


Anmeldung hier.

Do 17.🌐 Vernetzungsanlass "Intervision"

"Manchmal kommen wir mit unserem Wissen und Tun an die Grenzen oder sind unsicher, wenn etwas anders funktioniert als geplant. Daher ist es wichtig, dass wir uns in Bezug auf unsere Professionalität und Qualität unserer Arbeit immer wieder spiegeln und hinterfragen.

Wir wollen dies nun auch im nla den Mitgliedern und anderen interessierten Praktiker:innen ermöglichen"


Anmeldung hier.

Mi 30.🌐 Austauschen und vernetzen: Lösungsfokus in der Schule

"Wie kann Lösungsfokus*

  • gewinnbringend fürs Lernen und die Bewältigung von (schulischen) Herausforderungen sein?
  • zur Bestärkung von Lernenden und in Schulgemeinschaften eingesetzt werden?

Was soll genau im Unterricht und Schulalltag wie gestaltet werden, damit alle sagen können: IN SO EINE SCHULE kommen wir gerne?"

 Anmeldung hier.

Mai 2022

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Di 3.🌐 Using Solution Focused ideas in life"The Journal of Solution Focused Practices (JSFP) is a free online resource, available to all. While it is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at an academic audience, it is also a source of all kinds of information, inspiration and ideas which can be used in many settings.

In this free one-hour session on SF World Day (3rd May) Rayya Ghul (University of Edinburgh, UK), Mark McKergow (SFWork, UK) and Anton Stellamans (Ilfaro, Belgium) will each be picking a paper from the journal and, with the aid of some very special guests, be showing how they use Solution Focused (SF) ideas in ‘everyday life’. That means not therapy, coaching or professional helping – it’s about how we go about tackling the challenges, the ups-and-downs that life presents us."
Please find more details here.
Do 12. bis Sa 14.Show in Google map🇩🇪 SOLWorldDACH2022 - Freiburger Impulstage - FIT im LösungsfokusKonzerthaus Freiburg, Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 1, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland"Wir träumen davon, einen Kongress zu gestalten, in dem die Teilnehmenden aus Bildung, Wirtschaft und Soziales ihre Erfahrungen mit dem Lösungsfokus (mit)teilen, voneinander und miteinander lernen und so darüber ins Gespräch kommen.

Sei dabei. Gestalte mit uns zusammen die Freiburger Impulstage. Niemand sonst hat deine Erfahrungen, deine Ideen, deine Visionen und deine Fragen, die uns alle so sehr bereichern können. Lass uns gemeinsam einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung eines erfolgreichen Kongresses machen.

Wähle aus, was du beitragen möchtest. Moderiere einen 75-minütigen interaktiven Workshop, gestalte eine Posterpräsentation auf einem A3-Plakat oder einem Flipchart oder trage was ganz anderes bei. Die Poster hängen über die gesamten Impulstage an einem prominenten Ort und werden von den Poster-Autor*innen bei der Postervernissage vorgestellt."
Mehr Details hier.

Juni 2022

Do 16. bis Fr 17.Show in Google map🇬🇧 UKASFP 2022 Conference: Be the Change You Want to SeeHoliday Inn Birmingham Airport - Nec, an IHG Hotel, Coventry Rd, Birmingham B26 3QW, UK

"Meet up with SF friends old and new - in person!

As well as many high-quality plenaries, presentations, and workshops, we will have an enhanced social calendar so that we can meet old friends, make new ones, and physically renew the close connections among all those who have kept the shining light of Solution Focused Practice alive in the darkest hours of the last year and a half.

Members will be notified by email when tickets for the Conference in 2022 are available."

Please find all details here.

August 2022

Do 4. bis Fr 5.🌐 SF24/22 – Building Hope, Empowering Change"24 Hours of Solution Focus for FREE!
Join us for one of the most exciting FREE global conferences in the Solution Focused calendar on 4th & 5th August 2022. A full 24 hoursof Solution Focused presentations, workshops, networking, panels and knowledge stretching around the world from 2 pm European time on 4th August 2022 until 2 pm 5th August 2022.
Four Regions; Four Time Zones; a celebration of Solution Focused skills, ability, experience and talent on display from around the world….all from the comfort of your own home.
So whether you are an existing practitioner or are simply curious about the Solution Focused approach, come and contribute….come and listen….come and network….come and share in the buzz that Solution Focus creates!"

Please find all details here.
Mo 8. bis Fr 12.Show in Google map🇧🇪➕ SOL Summer Retreat 2022: Nourishing your SF rootsBalen, Belgium"The basic concept stays untouched: the Retreat is an opportunity to meet other SF practitioners in an informal environment so that we learn more about how we each think and apply SF in our work and lives. And to co-create a joyful, easeful environment for all to think, learn, share, play, take care of self and others."

Please find more details here.
Mo 29.Show in Google mapNLA offenes Vorstandstreffen Olten

September 2022

Di 13.🌐 Research.meeting: Ergebnisse für die Praxis"Beim vierten gemeinsamen Austrian SolutionCircle und nla-Schweiz Research.meeting befassen wir uns mit diesem Artikel:

  • Marie-Carmen Neipp & Mark Beyebach (2022): The Global Outcomes of Solution Focused Brief Therapy: A Revision, The American Journal of Family Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/01926187.2022.2069175"

Details und Anmeldung hier.
Fr 23. bis So 25.Show in Google map🇩🇪 EBTA Tiny-Conference ''There is always hope''Außer d. Schleifmühle 40, 28203 Bremen, GermanyPlease find more details here.

Oktober 2022

Fr 7. bis So 9.Show in Google map🇦🇹 ASC-JahrestagungPanoramaweg 1, 4553 Schlierbach, AustriaWeitere Details s. austriansolutioncircle.at

November 2022

Do 3. bis So 6.Show in Google map🇺🇲 SFBTA Annual Conference 2022: Coping with Hope: Solution Focused Practice for Hope in Personal and Societal CrisisPalace Station Hotel and Casino, 2411 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89102, USANovember 3, 2022
Research Day
Research Day Events & Networking

November 4-5, 2022
The Conference
Online and Around The World!
Please find more details here.

Mai 2023

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Fr 12.Show in Google map🇨🇭Vernetzungstreffen Was wäre wenn...Chur, SchweizWas wäre wenn... ...Lösungsorientierung Schule macht.
Wir möchten Schule gemeinsam lösungsorientiert weiterdenken, Ideen entwickeln und miteinander in Resonanz kommen. 
Details und Anmeldung: phgr.ch/veranstaltunge.....-wenn

Pädagogische Hochschule Chur

Was wäre wenn...

...sich am 13. Mai 2023 verschiedene Personen an der PH Graubünden treffen würden, um miteinander über eine lösungsorientierte Schule nachzudenken, Visionen und konkrete Ideen zu entwickeln, Kooperationen und Projekte zu gestalten?

...wir einen Tag lang Zeit hätten, miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen, eigene Erfahrungen und neue Ideen auszutauschen und uns dabei einfach überraschen lassen wollen, was alles am Ende entstehen kann.

...wir dich entweder am Freitagnachmittag zu einem kulinarischen Stadtspaziergang in Chur oder dann am Samstagmorgen im Foyer der PH Graubünden begrüssen dürften.

Der Tag ist kostenlos (wir, organisator:innen widerstanden der Versuchung, nur darum einen Preis festzulegen, damit "es was wert ist". Es ist VIEL wert und einige machen einen langen Weg, um hierher zu kommen.

Juni 2023

Do 8. bis Sa 10.Show in Google map🇦🇹 SOLworld Conference 2023Tagungs- und Veranstaltungszentrum Hotel Europahaus Wien, Linzer Str. 429, 1140 Wien, ÖsterreichWHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE EVENT?

Frankly, we don’t know yet, what will happen. We plan for a three-day event both in-person and with remote contributions. We envision a mix of talks, lightning talks (about 10 minutes), interactive workshops, book presentations, research presentations as well as a colourful and lively Open Space for all the topics that arise spontaneously.

Please find more details here.

Juli 2023

Fr 7. bis So 9.Show in Google map🇦🇺 2023 ASFA Conference: RECONNECTINGQUT Kelvin Grove Campus, 149 Victoria Park Rd, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059, Australia"This year’s conference will have a great focus on reconnection for all members and attendees after such a long gap between conferences. We have secured keynote presentations from Haesun [hey-sun] Moon PhD, a Communication Scientist, Semiotician, Researcher, Speaker, Educator, Coach, and Author of Language of Hope, Coaching A to Z, and DOQ, that will sit alongside 'open space' discussions and heaps of workshops facilitated by a range of presenters from various fields.

Get Reconnected:

In the spirit of reconnection, we would love as many members as possible to host a workshop or present in some way on your Solution Focused work, so please email your ideas, questions or expressions of interest to admin@solutionfocused.org.au

We are also seeking expressions of interest from people who could offer their services to help organise the conference as a part of the ASFA conference committee. If you are interested in contributing to the conference committee please email the event organiser Adrian Holmes at aholmes@skattle.org.au as soon as humanly possible as we are keen to keep the plans moving and need all the help we can get!" 
Please find more details here.

August 2023

Mi 23.🌐 SOL World 2023 - Nachlese 1: SF Decision Circle"An diesem ersten Event werde wir das Framework von John Brooker "SF Decision Circle" zeigen und darüber austauschen. Der SF Decision Circle ist ein Modell, um inklusive Entscheidungen herbeizuführen oder Entscheidungsprozesse zu moderieren."
Details s. hier.
Di 29.🌐 SOL World 2023 - Nachlese 2: Different Opinions Dialogue"An diesem ersten Event werde wir Euch das Dialogformat, welches von Lily Deforce und Chris Aerton entwickelt wurde vorstellen. Es eignet sich wunderbar um Menschen die grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Meinungen zu einem Thema haben, in Dialog zu bringen und trotz aller Unterschiede kleine Gemeinsamkeiten zu entdecken. Ein starkes Instrument in Zeiten der Polarisierung!"
Details s. hier.

September 2023

Di 5.🌐 SOL World 2023 - Nachlese 3: Shaping the Future in the very moment"An diesem ersten Event werde wir Euch die Session von Monica Martin und Annie Bordeleau vorstellen: "Shaping the Future in the very moment"."
Details s. hier.
Fr 15. bis So 17.Show in Google map🇵🇱 2023 EBTA Conference: EXPLORING RESILIENCE – SF quests!School Humanitas, Jana Kilińskiego 43, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland"
We will explore how a solution-focused brief therapy (approach) promotes the creation of spaces and contexts that enhance the remedial potential of clients who face the after-effects of difficult experiences. We also would like to highlight the topic of "help the helpers", i.e., how helpers can also take care of themselves. The topic seems to us particularly significant when many specialists reacting to Russia's attack on Ukraine undertook the difficult task of working with crisis intervention strategies, trauma, and loss. Part of the specialists, who help others, are refugees from Ukraine and victims of the war.

We deeply hope that the Conference of the European Brief Therapy Association will be a place for meetings, exchanging experiences, and mutual learning for specialists from Poland, , and all over Europe. We are looking forward to meet specialists from Ukraine who are currently working in Poland." 

Please find more information here.

Oktober 2023

Do 19. bis Sa 21.🌐 SFBTA Online Conference 2023 Moving Forward Together: Collaborating on Preferred Futures

"The SFBTA conference 2023's theme is Moving forward together: Collaborating on preferred futures,

The conference will be held via Zoom."

Please find more information here.

April 2024

So 14. bis Di 16.Show in Google map🇳🇱 SOL Unconference 2024: Exploring how SF creates sustainable organisationsLand aan Zee, Meeldijk 11A, 4328 NE Burgh-Haamstede, Netherlands"How can we help create organisations that
  • Value environmental, economic and social factors?
  • Have trusted governance, visionary engagements and motivational stories to share?"

Please find more details here.
Do 18. bis Sa 20.Show in Google map🇳🇱 Solution IV – World Conference: Inspirations for CreativityKeizersgracht 566, 1017 EM Amsterdam, Netherlands"Set in the vibrant heart of Europe, this two-day conference brings together an international faculty of distinguished speakers prepared to enlighten you with their innovative applications of solution-focused approaches and positive psychology. Connect with global solution-focused peers and delve into captivating applications of the approach."

Please find more details here.

Mai 2024

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Juli 2024

Di 2. bis Mi 3.Show in Google map🇬🇧 UKASFP Conference 2024: STAYING FOCUSED!JobServe Community Stadium, United Way, Colchester CO4 5UP, UK"Celebrating 20 years of opening hearts and minds"

Please find more details here.

September 2024

Fr 13. bis So 15.Show in Google map🇦🇺 ASFA 2024 Solution Focused ConferenceSt Joseph's Baulkham Hills, 33 Barina Downs Rd, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153, AustraliaPlease find more details here.
Fr 20. bis So 22.Show in Google map🇪🇸 2024 EBTA Conference - THE RIPPLE EFFECT: expanding hopeUniversity of La Laguna, Calle Padre Herrera, s/n, 38200 La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, SpainPlease find more details here.

Mai 2025

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2026

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2027

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2028

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2029

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2030

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2031

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2032

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2033

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2034

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2035

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2036

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2037

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2038

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2039

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2040

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2041

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2042

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2043

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2044

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2045

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2046

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2047

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2048

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2049

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2050

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2051

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2052

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2053

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2054

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2055

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2056

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2057

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2058

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2059

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2060

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2061

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2062

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2063

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2064

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2065

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2066

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2067

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2068

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2069

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2070

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2071

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2072

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2073

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2074

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2075

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2076

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2077

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2078

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2079

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2080

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2081

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2082

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2083

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2084

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2085

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2086

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2087

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2088

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2089

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2090

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2091

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2092

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2093

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2094

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2095

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2096

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2097

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2098

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2099

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2100

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2101

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2102

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2103

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2104

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2105

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2106

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2107

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2108

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2109

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2110

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2111

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2112

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2113

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2114

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2115

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2116

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2117

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2118

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2119

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2120

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2121

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2122

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2123

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2124

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2125

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2126

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2127

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2128

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2129

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2130

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2131

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2132

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2133

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2134

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2135

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2136

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2137

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2138

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2139

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2140

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2141

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2142

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2143

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2144

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2145

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2146

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2147

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2148

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2149

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2150

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2151

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2152

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2153

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2154

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2155

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2156

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2157

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2158

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2159

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2160

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2161

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2162

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2163

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2164

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2165

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2166

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2167

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2168

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2169

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2170

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2171

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2172

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2173

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2174

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2175

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2176

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2177

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2178

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2179

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2180

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2181

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2182

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2183

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2184

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2185

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2186

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2187

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2188

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2189

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2190

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2191

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2192

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2193

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2194

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2195

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2196

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2197

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2198

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2199

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2200

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2201

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2202

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2203

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2204

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2205

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2206

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2207

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2208

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2209

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2210

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2211

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2212

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2213

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2214

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2215

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2216

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2217

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2218

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2219

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2220

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2221

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2222

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2223

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2224

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2225

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2226

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2227

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2228

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2229

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2230

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2231

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2232

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2233

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2234

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2235

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2236

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2237

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2238

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2239

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2240

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2241

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2242

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2243

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2244

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2245

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2246

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2247

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2248

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2249

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2250

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2251

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2252

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2253

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2254

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2255

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2256

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2257

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2258

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2259

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2260

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2261

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2262

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2263

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2264

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2265

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2266

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2267

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2268

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2269

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2270

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2271

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2272

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2273

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2274

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2275

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2276

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2277

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2278

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2279

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2280

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2281

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2282

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2283

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2284

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2285

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2286

So 2. bis Di 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2287

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2288

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2289

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2290

Fr 2. bis So 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2291

Sa 2. bis Mo 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2292

Mo 2. bis Mi 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2293

Di 2. bis Do 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2294

Mi 2. bis Fr 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)


Mai 2295

Do 2. bis Sa 4.🌐➕ WORLD SF DAYActivities all over the world to showcase the possibilities of Solution Focus. Find the Facebook group for inspiration and add your own event for May 3rd 2019!

Where to look:

How come May 3rd is three days, here?

  • Across all time zones, World SF Day starts first on the island of Kiritimati (🇰🇮 Kiribati), and finally ends on Howland Island (🇺🇸 USA)