SF Community Calendar Listenansicht

Diese Terminliste wird automatisch generiert aus dem SF Community Calendar Feed. Alle Einträge werden von vielen Freiwilligen beigesteuert – und wem ein Event wichtig ist, ist zum Beisteuern herzlich eingeladen!

Dieselben Termine in Tabellenform gibt es hier.

Mai 2023

Fr 12.Show in Google map🇨🇭Vernetzungstreffen Was wäre wenn...Chur, SchweizWas wäre wenn... ...Lösungsorientierung Schule macht.
Wir möchten Schule gemeinsam lösungsorientiert weiterdenken, Ideen entwickeln und miteinander in Resonanz kommen. 
Details und Anmeldung: phgr.ch/veranstaltunge.....-wenn

Pädagogische Hochschule Chur

Was wäre wenn...

...sich am 13. Mai 2023 verschiedene Personen an der PH Graubünden treffen würden, um miteinander über eine lösungsorientierte Schule nachzudenken, Visionen und konkrete Ideen zu entwickeln, Kooperationen und Projekte zu gestalten?

...wir einen Tag lang Zeit hätten, miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen, eigene Erfahrungen und neue Ideen auszutauschen und uns dabei einfach überraschen lassen wollen, was alles am Ende entstehen kann.

...wir dich entweder am Freitagnachmittag zu einem kulinarischen Stadtspaziergang in Chur oder dann am Samstagmorgen im Foyer der PH Graubünden begrüssen dürften.

Der Tag ist kostenlos (wir, organisator:innen widerstanden der Versuchung, nur darum einen Preis festzulegen, damit "es was wert ist". Es ist VIEL wert und einige machen einen langen Weg, um hierher zu kommen.

Juni 2023

Do 8. bis Sa 10.Show in Google map🇦🇹 SOLworld Conference 2023Tagungs- und Veranstaltungszentrum Hotel Europahaus Wien, Linzer Str. 429, 1140 Wien, ÖsterreichWHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE EVENT?

Frankly, we don’t know yet, what will happen. We plan for a three-day event both in-person and with remote contributions. We envision a mix of talks, lightning talks (about 10 minutes), interactive workshops, book presentations, research presentations as well as a colourful and lively Open Space for all the topics that arise spontaneously.

Please find more details here.

Juli 2023

Fr 7. bis So 9.Show in Google map🇦🇺 2023 ASFA Conference: RECONNECTINGQUT Kelvin Grove Campus, 149 Victoria Park Rd, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059, Australia"This year’s conference will have a great focus on reconnection for all members and attendees after such a long gap between conferences. We have secured keynote presentations from Haesun [hey-sun] Moon PhD, a Communication Scientist, Semiotician, Researcher, Speaker, Educator, Coach, and Author of Language of Hope, Coaching A to Z, and DOQ, that will sit alongside 'open space' discussions and heaps of workshops facilitated by a range of presenters from various fields.

Get Reconnected:

In the spirit of reconnection, we would love as many members as possible to host a workshop or present in some way on your Solution Focused work, so please email your ideas, questions or expressions of interest to admin@solutionfocused.org.au

We are also seeking expressions of interest from people who could offer their services to help organise the conference as a part of the ASFA conference committee. If you are interested in contributing to the conference committee please email the event organiser Adrian Holmes at aholmes@skattle.org.au as soon as humanly possible as we are keen to keep the plans moving and need all the help we can get!" 
Please find more details here.

August 2023

Mi 23.🌐 SOL World 2023 - Nachlese 1: SF Decision Circle"An diesem ersten Event werde wir das Framework von John Brooker "SF Decision Circle" zeigen und darüber austauschen. Der SF Decision Circle ist ein Modell, um inklusive Entscheidungen herbeizuführen oder Entscheidungsprozesse zu moderieren."
Details s. hier.
Di 29.🌐 SOL World 2023 - Nachlese 2: Different Opinions Dialogue"An diesem ersten Event werde wir Euch das Dialogformat, welches von Lily Deforce und Chris Aerton entwickelt wurde vorstellen. Es eignet sich wunderbar um Menschen die grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Meinungen zu einem Thema haben, in Dialog zu bringen und trotz aller Unterschiede kleine Gemeinsamkeiten zu entdecken. Ein starkes Instrument in Zeiten der Polarisierung!"
Details s. hier.

September 2023

Di 5.🌐 SOL World 2023 - Nachlese 3: Shaping the Future in the very moment"An diesem ersten Event werde wir Euch die Session von Monica Martin und Annie Bordeleau vorstellen: "Shaping the Future in the very moment"."
Details s. hier.
Fr 15. bis So 17.Show in Google map🇵🇱 2023 EBTA Conference: EXPLORING RESILIENCE – SF quests!School Humanitas, Jana Kilińskiego 43, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland"
We will explore how a solution-focused brief therapy (approach) promotes the creation of spaces and contexts that enhance the remedial potential of clients who face the after-effects of difficult experiences. We also would like to highlight the topic of "help the helpers", i.e., how helpers can also take care of themselves. The topic seems to us particularly significant when many specialists reacting to Russia's attack on Ukraine undertook the difficult task of working with crisis intervention strategies, trauma, and loss. Part of the specialists, who help others, are refugees from Ukraine and victims of the war.

We deeply hope that the Conference of the European Brief Therapy Association will be a place for meetings, exchanging experiences, and mutual learning for specialists from Poland, , and all over Europe. We are looking forward to meet specialists from Ukraine who are currently working in Poland." 

Please find more information here.

Oktober 2023

Do 19. bis Sa 21.🌐 SFBTA Online Conference 2023 Moving Forward Together: Collaborating on Preferred Futures

"The SFBTA conference 2023's theme is Moving forward together: Collaborating on preferred futures,

The conference will be held via Zoom."

Please find more information here.