SF Community Calendar Listenansicht

Diese Terminliste wird automatisch generiert aus dem SF Community Calendar Feed. Alle Einträge werden von vielen Freiwilligen beigesteuert – und wem ein Event wichtig ist, ist zum Beisteuern herzlich eingeladen!

Dieselben Termine in Tabellenform gibt es hier.

Dezember 2017

Do 21. bis Sa 23.Show in Google map🇮🇳 ITCBP 2017 & Annual Meet of ASFP-IInstitute Of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Palakottuvayal, Kozhikode, Kerala 673008, India

International Training Conference in Brief Psychotherapies & Annual Meet of ASFP-I.

Please find the details here.

Januar 2018

Fr 5.Show in Google map🇾🇪 Open IntervisionArnemuiden, 4341 Arnemuiden, Nederland(Meetings are in Dutch) A place where you can bring all kinds of questions or dilemmas to the table - work related, personal development, family matters, ...
Facilitated by someone from VraagKracht we ask each other Solution Focused questions and give our ideas when wanted. Fun, deep, enriching are some of comments we often get. Feel welcome, our doors are wide open!
Drop me a line if you want to know more: paut-kromkamp@vraagkracht.nl
Verlengde Walstraat 1, 4341 CS Arnemuiden, The Netherlands