SF Community Calendar Listenansicht

Diese Terminliste wird automatisch generiert aus dem SF Community Calendar Feed. Alle Einträge werden von vielen Freiwilligen beigesteuert – und wem ein Event wichtig ist, ist zum Beisteuern herzlich eingeladen!

Dieselben Termine in Tabellenform gibt es hier.

November 2019

Mi 20. bis Sa 23.Show in Google map🇳🇿 Fifth Australian & New Zealand Solution-Focused ConferenceUniversity of Canterbury, 20 Kirkwood Ave, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch 8041, New Zealand"More details will follow once the program is more developed and the rooms are booked. It is anticipated that some activities will be held in the University, and some will be held in the student accommadation area.

The first event will be an informal welcome reception dinner on Wednesday 20 November.

Ben Furman will host a full day workshop on Thursday 21 November.

The Conference proper will be held on Friday the 22nd and Saturday the 23rd of November, starting at 9am.

The last activity will be a breakfast and discussion forum on Sunday 24 November, finishing at approximately 1100."

Please find more details available here.

Dezember 2019

Fr 6. bis Sa 7.Show in Google map🇧🇪 SFiO Unconference on ‘SF use in Large Scale Contexts’Irish College, Janseniusstraat 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgien
"We will discuss how people can use SF to increase the success of large scale change initiatives in large organisations such as multi national businesses, Government and supra Governmental organisations. Come and discuss ideas with a group of very experienced SF practitioners in organisations."

Please find more details here.