SF Community Calendar Listenansicht

Diese Terminliste wird automatisch generiert aus dem SF Community Calendar Feed. Alle Einträge werden von vielen Freiwilligen beigesteuert – und wem ein Event wichtig ist, ist zum Beisteuern herzlich eingeladen!

Dieselben Termine in Tabellenform gibt es hier.

März 2020

Mi 4.Show in Google map🇳🇿 Aotearoa New Zealand Solution Focused Practice ConferenceLifepoint Church (AOG Wellington), 61 Hopper St, Mount Cook, Wellington 6011, Neuseeland"Our Theme will broadly cover working with Trauma

There will be a pre conference workshop and a two day masterclass post conference by our keynote speaker who is…….Chris Iveson

Please also consider leading a workshop in 2020.  More info on how to ‘submit your abstract’ on the ‘Speakers’ page and you can submit your abstract here."

Please find more details here.
Sa 7. bis So 8.Show in Google map🇩🇪 Solution Focused Trainers’ Conferencehoffmanns höfe, Heinrich-Hoffmann-Straße 3, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland"This is a very simple Open Space conference for people who currently train others in Solution Focused Practice or for those who have trained others in Solution Focused Practice. Spaces are limited to 80 people, so please understand that we would like to have a possibility to exchange ideas with trainers. If you are an SF practitioner and would like to hang out with the trainers, there are so many other opportunities to do that…. so if you don’t mind — this conference is for people who actually train, trained or are firmly planning to train in the next year."

Find more details here.

Mai 2020

Sa 9.🌐 A Solution-Focused Collective Open Space Conference “… disaster often liberates solidarity. A more beautiful world shimmers just beneath the surface…”
Charles Eisenstein paraphrasing Rebecca Solnit’s book – A Paradise Built in Hell

"The Solution-Focused Collective are a loose and fluid grouping of solution-focused practitioners from around the world, who share a belief in the potential of the solution-focused approach to help in the creation of social change, towards greater social justice.  Read our Manifesto"

Please find more details here.
Do 14.🌐 Black Solution Focused Professionals Online Summit
"This is a free meeting of black professionals interested in the Solution Focused Approach where we will have a discussion about the diversity issues in the field and how to address black representation going forward. The goal of this summit is to have an open conversation about these issues and how to move forward with a unified voice."
Please find more details here.
Fr 15. bis Sa 16.Show in Google map🇳🇱 CANCELLED: SOLUTION IV Applications of the Solution Focused ApproachKurhaus Scheveningen, Gevers Deynootplein 30, 2586 CK Den Haag, NiederlandePlease find all details here.

Juni 2020

Mi 10.🌐 Austausch! Vernetzungsanlass Lösungsfokus in der Schule"Diesmal laden wir Lehrpersonen ein: Der Schulstart liegt für die Schweizer*innen schon einige Tage zurück… Womit seid ihr am meisten zufrieden? Was hat euch gefreut und was überrascht?

Und den Austausch + Inspiration nutzend, was möchtet Ihr für eure Arbeit (weiter)entwickeln?

Unser Rahmen für diese Treffen lautet: Wie kann Lösungsfokus*

  • gewinnbringend fürs Lernen und die Bewältigung von (schulischen) Herausforderungen sein?
  • zur Bestärkung von Lernenden und in Schulgemeinschaften eingesetzt werden?

Was soll genau im Unterricht und Schulalltag wie gestaltet werden, damit alle sagen können: IN SO EINE SCHULE kommen wir gerne 'zurück'?"

Weitere Details siehe hier.
Do 25. bis Fr 26.Show in Google map🇬🇧 CANCELLED: UKASFP Conference 2020: Working with disenfranchised, disadvantaged and disconnected peopleStaffordshire University, College Rd, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DE, Vereinigtes KönigreichThis conference has been cancelled.

Please find more details here.

Juli 2020

Sa 4.🌐 Solution-Focused Collective: Action Space
"The Action Space will be a solution-focused opportunity to share and develop actions for social change and social justice, wherever you are.  Based on open space principles, you will be able to create themed spaces for intensive dialogue on social issues you are passionate about.  Our best hope is that strong collective actions will emerge and make their way into the world."
Please find more details here.