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September 2021

Fr 17. bis So 19.Show in Google map🇩🇰 EBTA2020 [sic!] - BACK TO THE FUTURESHelsingør, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark"The conference have three themes as described below.: [...] 
EBTA along with SFBTA have for years supported researc in Solution Focused practice, both on a quite practical level and concrete research projects. Research related to the Solution Focused approach, not only document and validate the approach and practice, but also helps spread the word of SF. This conference theme puts highlight on new research results, provide a setting for upcoming researchers to meet and talk, and to create a platform for practitioners to talk about, how we in the future of Solution Focused practice can learn and benefit from the research of today - and best of all, how can we support the research of tomorrow.

“Back to the futures” is the name of this conference. When you look back, you find that you were once in “the land of choices”, and beeing there provided the opportunity to create many kinds of future. And you chose one. This conference theme can be seen in the same way: once the solution focused approach was developed by Steve and Insoo, and some similar ideas by Luc Isebaert and Korzybski Institute. BRIEF in London have simplified the approach the most, others have combined SF with EMDR, or Marte Meo and others have been influenced by hypnoses or ideas from Wittgenstein, Ericsson or…. This track is an opportunity for everyone to become familiar with “what’s going on at my neighbors house” or “I’ll show you, what I’ve developed”.

The Solution Focused approach was developed in the ‘80, and ever since practitioners over the world have set their fingerprints on the approach by adding on new elements,  deleted others or integrated ideas from other approaches e.g. Today there’s a variation of fields of practice. Wonder how Solution Focused will look like in 10 or 20 years, and wonder what you will be seeing practitioners be doing in order to say; wauw, they’re working from a solution focused approach. This conference theme will focus on the basic assumptions of Solution Focused practice in order to define - if possible - the core of the approach, thus we in the future can identify solution focused practice. What do you need to see me be doing for you to say, I’m working in a Solution Focused way?"

Please find more details here.